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AEW Dynamite Results for August 25, 2021


Tonight’s AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the UWM Panther Arena in Milwaukee, WI!

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (with Chuck Taylor & Wheeler Yuta) vs. “Big Money” Matt Hardy!

“This is a match many weeks in the making,” said Excalibur.

Hardy has 10 wins in his past 12 matches.

“Notice Hardy left the HFO in the back and Orange Cassidy left Best Friends in the back. They’re gonna go one on one,” added Excalibur.

Hardy put his hands in his pocket and pulled out wads of cash. Cassidy dropkicked him, sending the cash flying. Cassidy attempted a tope suicida but Hardy caught him on the outside of the ring and planted him with a Side Effect on the arena floor!

“Orange made a mistake going outside so early. Now he’s paying for it,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Matt Hardy is a veteran, and he controls the pace,” replied Jim Ross.

Orange Cassidy rallied back, changing the momentum, ramming Hardy’s head into the turnbuckles. Cassidy tried for the Beach Break but Hardy countered with splash mountain for a near fall. Orange took another chance and finally hit the tope suicida and then a swinging DDT for a two-count! Hardy’s nose was busted wide open!

“Will the blood loss play an issue?” asked Excalibur.

Cassidy climbed to the top and then splashed Hardy with a beautiful senton! Cassidy was about to go for the Twist of Fate but Hardy bull rushed him into the turnbuckles. Cassidy came back with the Twist of Fate for a near fall! Hardy ducked the Orange Punch and almost locked in his Leech finisher—but Orange Cassidy sat down onto Hardy and pinned him!

“Simply put, Orange Cassidy outwrestled Matt Hardy for three seconds,” said Jim Ross.

“Demo God” Chris Jericho was out to discuss his future!

“This has been one of the biggest weeks in AEW history. Everyone has been celebrating…except for me. Because last week when I had the chance to beat MJF…I didn’t…I lost. For the third time I lost to MJF. Even worse, I tapped out. It’s been driving me crazy. I’ve been losing sleep over it. Because I’m Chris Jericho!

“I’ve always strived to stay on top, even if it meant being hit with light bulb tubes, being power bombed 50 times, and it’s because it’s what I do. But the fact that I failed to beat MJF, it’s a mantra inside my head… ‘beat MJF, beat MJF, beat MJF,’

“Max, you know I’ll keep attacking you until I beat you. And that’s why I have a proposal for you on how we can end this. I hope you’re listening backstage, Max. I’m proposing one more match, one final fight at ALL OUT. And I’ve been thinking about this long and hard. If I can’t beat MJF, maybe I don’t belong in AEW anymore. It’s inside my head. If I can’t beat MJF, maybe I don’t deserve to be Le Champion anymore. So this is what I propose: if you beat me, I will never wrestle in AEW again. MJF if you want to prove you’re better than me, you’re going to have to beat me. What do you say?” asked Jericho.

MJF’s music hit!

“This is getting embarrassing, Christopher. Why can’t you just leave me alone? I see right through you. Over a year ago, you saw my meteoric rise, so you knew in order to stay relevant, you needed a rub from the fastest rising star in professional wrestling. Guess what, Chris? Your cash cow is all tapped out. My utters are sore.

“Being able to say I tapped out Chris Jericho is cool. But being able to say I ended Chris Jericho? That’s legendary! So if you want this match, you’ve got it! But consider that you’re putting your career against the line against a man that’s mopped the floor with you three times. Are you sure you want this? Because I’m better than you and you know it,” said MJF.

World Tag Team Title Eliminator Semi-Final Match!

Varsity Blonds—Brian Pillman, Jr. & Griff Garrison (with Julia Hart) vs. The Lucha Bros.—Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Jurassic Express were watching from ringside.

The Young Bucks, along with The Good Brothers and Brandon Cutler, brought out chairs and scouted the match from the stage.

“I’ve been really impressed with Griff Garrison,” said Jim Ross.

Rey Fenix chopped at Griff. Rey Fenix ducked a high boot from Garrison. Pillman and Penta El Zero Miedo both tagged in. This was the same building that Pillman’s father wrestled Jushin “Thunder” Liger in their legendary match. Pillman, Jr. hit a massive thrust kick on Penta El Zero Miedo!

Penta El Zero Miedo connected with a sling blade on Pillman, Jr. Penta El Zero Miedo followed up with a massive overhand chop to Pillman, Jr.

“Pillman went from offense to defense,” said Jim Ross.

Rey Fenix blasted Pillman with thrust kicks and then a springboard dropkick! He followed up with a cutter to Brian Pillman, Jr. Griff Garrison jumped in to break up the pin. Pillman dropkicked Penta El Zero Miedo to the outside. He got carried away though and the inexperience cost him. The Lucha Bros showed off their spectacular tandem offense on the Varsity Blonds! The Lucha Bros connected with stereo thrust kicks and then an assisted piledriver onto Brian Pillman, Jr. for the victory!

It’ll be the Lucha Bros in the finals against Jurassic Express this Friday on RAMPAGE!

Jurassic Express went to shake the hands of the Lucha Bros, when The Young Bucks pushed Jurassic Express into Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo! The Lucha Bros didn’t fall for it, though. Rey Fenix and Jungle Boy teamed up to hit tope suicidas on The Elite outside the ring!

Up next: Red Velvet vs. Jamie Hayter (with AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Rebel)!

“Jamie Hayter is one of the toughest, fiercest competitors worldwide. Dr. Britt Baker has an eye for talent,” said Tony Schiavone.

Red Velvet took down Hayter with ground and pound. Hayter absorbed all the impact from Red Velvet’s dropkick. She got up and stomped on Red Velvet in the corner. Hayter snapped Red Velvet to the mat with a vicious suplex.

Red Velvet fought back and flattened Jamie Hayter with two consecutive running dives to the outside! Britt Baker grabbed Red Velvet and rammed her into the steel ring post!

Hayter rocked Red Velvet with hard strikes. Velvet returned with an uppercut and a back elbow. She hit a face buster on Hayter, following up with diving knees to Hayter’s back! Hayter came back with a massive lariat, turning Red Velvet inside out and then pinning her!

“Jamie Hayter absolutely ran over Red Velvet,” said Excalibur.

Hayter, Baker, and Rebel began to assault Red Velvet after the match. Kris Statlander ran out to save Red Velvet!

Backstage, Dark Order addressed the dissention amongst their ranks. Alex Reynolds blamed Evil Uno for “Hangman” Adam Page leaving a few weeks ago. Evil Uno got a bit carried away with his temper and insulted Reynolds. Evil Uno tried to apologize but it may have been too late.

“The Best in the World” C.M.Punk made his first appearance on DYNAMITE!

“What an icon this man is. The best is yet to come for ‘the best in the world,” said Jim Ross.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview C.M.Punk.

“I can’t hear you, Tony,” said Punk, as the fans were chanting for C.M.Punk.

“What’s the one thing, more than any, that brought you back after all these years not being in the ring?” asked Schiavone.

“It’s Penta El Zero Miedo. It’s Rey Fenix. It’s Brian Pillman, Jr. It’s Jungle Boy. It’s all those young guys. But before those names, Darby Allin, you’re reckless to a point of destruction. And I look at a guy like you and I say, “Can C.M.Punk still go? Does C.M.Punk still be the best in the world, and if the answer is yes, it starts with Darby Allin. Darby’s not the biggest, he’s not the strongest, but damnit, he’s got heart. It’s a lot less about proving the haters wrong and it’s more about proving myself right! And if I’m going to answer those questions to myself…September 5th, ALL OUT, it’s me and you!”

“I love these moments. How’s it feel to be a pro wrestling fan, ladies and gentlemen?” asked Jim Ross.

Backstage, TNT Champion Miro called out “Mad King” Eddie Kingston! “Bring me the ‘Mad King’!”

Trios Match!

“Mad King” Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley, & Darby Allin (with Sting) vs. The Wingmen—Cezar Bononi, JD Drake, & Ryan Nemeth (with “Pretty” Peter Avalon)!

Darby chopped at Drake in the corner. Drake had enough and tagged Ryan Nemeth. Kingston tagged in and was quickly punished by a chop from the “Mad King.” Kingston chopped off at Cezar. Kingston tagged Moxley and they rushed Cezar with a double shoulder tackle.

Mox suplexed Bononi back and tagged to Kingston. Drake came in and hit Kingston with a backbreaker. Moxley bit the ear of JD Drake! Darby Allin jumped up with an avalanche code red on JD Drake!

“Pretty” Peter Avalon tried to interview but Mox stomped a mudhole in him. “The Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth grabbed a chair but Kingston and Moxley didn’t care and charged after him on the outside!

Darby surprised Drake with an over-the-top stunner and then hit the Coffin Drop for the pin!

Danny Garcia charged at Darby Allin with a cheap shot after the match. Kingston and Sting jumped into the ring, forcing Danny Garcia to head for higher ground.

The AEW World Champion Kenny Omega (along with Don Callis, Brandon Cutler, and Michael Nakazawa) came out to the ring to be interviewed by Tony Schiavone!

“At ALL OUT, we are going to take out Christian Cage once and for all,” said Don Callis.

Christian Cage’s music hit and he walked out onto the ramp. “In case anyone was confused by what I’ve been saying the past few weeks, Don Callis is a carnie piece of s—t,” said Christian Cage.

“I’m not sure what’s weirder. The fact that you manipulated a 10-year-old Kenny Omega, or the fact that Kenny Omega still allows it,” said Christian Cage.

“You want to talk about family, Christian Cage? This is making me very upset. You’re going to find out at ALL OUT what I’ve known for 25 years. You’ve been second best your entire career!” said Don Callis.

Brandon Cutler cold sprayed Christian Cage and then Omega, Callis, and Nakazawa began to pummel Christian Cage!

“The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian sprinted to the ring and ran off The Elite!

Jon Moxley was backstage: “Only one guy has the balls to step through the doors: Kojima. Damn, I am insulted this crazy ass old man wants to go toe-to-toe with me. Satoshi Kojima, looks like you’ve got a death wish for ALL OUT in Chicago. It’ll be the public execution of Satoshi Kojima!”

Gunn Club—Austin, Billy, & Colten vs. The Factory—Aaron Solo, Nick Comorotto, & QT Marshall

Paul Wight joined the commentary team during this match.

Nick cleaned house on the Gunn Club. He charged at Austin but Austin dodged it and tagged in to older brother Colten!

Colten connected with splashes on QT and Solo! Comorotto blasted Colten with a clothesline! QT had the Colt 45 scouted. QT used a flatliner on Colten. QT started jaw jacking with Paul Wight and it cost him the match when QT was rolled up and pinned!

Dan Lambert was backstage with “All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky!

“You fans don’t want to see tough guys because soft and weak want to see soft and weak. You don’t have to own the toughest team in the world to know your generation needs work. You need real men like Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky,” said Lambert.

Main Event Time!

Malakai Black vs. Brock Anderson (with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson)!

“This’ll be Brock Anderson’s toughest challenge of his young career, and perhaps of his life,” said Excalibur.

“This Black is an evil, dangerous human being,” said Jim Ross.

Brock Anderson used a double leg, not wasting anytime, and took down Malakai Black!

Black caught Brock Anderson with a knee strike right under the jaw! Black grabbed Brock by the hair and showed off Brock like a carcass in front of Arn Anderson. Brock was bleeding from the forehead. Malakai Black used an exploder suplex on Brock Anderson and followed up with a roundhouse kick! Black pinned Brock decisively.

“That kick is how he took out Cody Rhodes,” said Excalibur.

“Arn had a chance to throw in the towel and he didn’t,” said Tony Schiavone.

Arn entered the ring to check on his fallen son. Black jumped into the ring with a steel chair. Arn Anderson told him to drop the chair and they’d fight. Black dropped the chair and tried for a kick to Arn’s head. Arn blocked the kick! Black followed up with a low blow to Arn Anderson. He walloped Arn Anderson with a roundhouse kick to the head!

Lee Johnson of The Nightmare Family ran down to the ring to check on Arn and Brock Anderson. Malakai Black left the ring. He had enough for the night.

Be sure to tune in next Wednesday to AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT (8pm ET/7pm CT) from the Now Arena in Chicago, IL!

Don’t dare miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9c on TNT!

And just around the corner, it’s AEW ALL OUT 2021—September 5th, from the Now Arena in Chicago—live on pay-per-view!


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